Saturday, July 28, 2007

Playing the Scandinavian Card in China...

In my talk last week in the Conference on American Literature in Wuhan, China, I came to touch upon some themes of the seminar - as well as advertising our Scandinavian front line ;-) (see point "Three" toward the end of this.).

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Bloggen lader til at holde sommerpause, så her bringes et nostalgisk pausebillede fra Biskops-Arnö d.11.5.07.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Apropos dikt

-- har publisert Simen Hagerups seminarinnlegg - nå omarbeidet til et dikt.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Wallenstein, Rett Kopi

Today we are witnessing the rapid dissolution of an Occidential art historical narrative, which has been at the basis of most theories of the dialectical movement of form and materials. This also means the end of the traditional dialectic between mass culture and modernism, and also of the mantra of the "dissolution" of the border between them, as has been diagnosd, cherished and feared, since the Frankfurt School of the 30s. What we require is a new analysis of the situation after the break-up of the monocultures which previously contained the high-low dialectic, and whose downfall brings with it the idea of a unified public space, now mutating into proliferating sub-systems. Criticism, debates, and patterns of publishing will change as intellectual communities become less rooted in language, place, or nation.


Todays avant-garde faces the formidable task of inventing new models of production and reception. Such an avant-garde no doubt exists, and it will be both like and unlike the one which once appeared as the "historical" avant-garde at the beginning of the previous century, since the outer forces - technologies, economies and power relations - that it works through, appropriates, and transforms are themselves in constant movement.

Citat fra Sven-Olov Wallensteins artikel "Technology, the avant-garde, and temporality" i Rett Kopis 222 siders manifest-tour de force, anbefales.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Lars Bukdal ind i ringen:

I Weekendavisens Bøger kommer LB med en fin opsummering af "Vinduet" artiklen og hele balladen/debatten i Norge om poesiens status i Norge i dag, som bliver sat op som en modsætning til opgøret med modernismekonstruktionen i Danmark, og hele debatten om de mere realistiske digtere vs. den "modernistiske mainstream".

Mr. Bukdal henviser til denne blog og andres herinde - det er første gang, at jeg har set den slags mediekonvergens og talen sammen på tværs af avisartikler og blogs i Norden i dag, hvilket bare endnu engang viser, at vores dage i Sverige og debatten om alternativ offentlighed(er) bare er mega tiltrængt.

Jeg ved ikke om jeg må vente lidt med at lægge den ud, da det er i den nyeste udgave af Weekendavisen, da WA ikke kan læses på nettet - hvad siger I?

Jeg har selv skrevet en stor artikel om blooks, bloogs og litterære blogs i avisen på Færøerne kaldet "Den litterære offentlighed 2.0", som bliver bragt i løbet af ugen.

Mit nye forlag EKSIL, er lettet og vi har udgivet Kafka på færøsk og en bog om elektronisk, skriftlig og mundtlig kultur, blogspot her: